I spoke with the creator of Forsaken Souls. Here are his answers to my questions:
Q: Please describe your trading card game!
A: Forsaken souls is a customizable tcg, that allows you to color your cards however you like making each players cards unique. Forsaken souls is inspired by many popular tcgs and video games and is a tactical trading card game that plays more like a board game.
Q: What inspired you to create your own TCG?
A: What inspired me to create a tcg was my love for rpg video games and trading card games like yugioh and mtg. I want to mix elements of rpg games with tcgs but also have players color their cards so that no one player has a card that looks the same.
Q: What TCGs did you grow up playing as a kid?
A: I grew up mostly playing yugioh. Yugioh had the biggest influence on me as a kid even into adulthood and is what mostly inspired me to create this game
Q: What sets Forsaken Souls apart from other TCGs?
A: What sets forsaken souls apart from other tcgs is it’s customizability and rpg like game mechanics.
Q: How long have you been working on the game?
A: I have been working on this game for the past two years but I have had the idea for about 7 years.
Q: What is your illustration process like?
A: The illustration process is as simple as seeing an image from a movie or video game or any sort of media and trying to draw something like that image but in my own style.
Q: How did you come up with the name Forsaken Souls?
A: I came up with the name forsaken souls by thinking of a game mechanic where u have to give up something in order to summon creatures to the field so I thought ur life points would represent ur souls and in order to summon creatures to the field u must forsake your soul points.
Q: What are your future plans for the game?
A: My future plans for the game is to work on making newer cards and collaborate with artist to create colored variants of cards by popular artist within the mtg alter community as well as collaborating with the tcg community to create new game modes.
Q: Do you have any advice for anyone looking to make their own TCG?
A: To anyone looking to make their own tcg I would say having good looking art is key. You don’t have to be a good artist u can always hire people to draw art for you on IG or anywhere else. Game mechanics is another important thing try to have some elements of originality and not just ripoff other tcgs. And another major factor is get involved in the community and play test your game get feedback it will help you improve every aspect of your game. And the most important thing is u must have a burning passion for what you do if not then you will not succeed and never give up always stick to it and you will make your card game a dream come true.
For more, check out @xforsakensoulsx as well as their kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/forsakensouls/forsaken-souls-tcg?ref=discovery&term=forsaken%20souls
Really enjoyed this! I love collecting TCG's, and it's really nice to hear from the people behind them, about what makes their TCG theirs .